

やっぱり地獄に堕ちたのか・・・ (As expected, he fell into hell.)

  嘉吉元年(1441)八月七日条 (『建内記』4─7)




















 From today, the monks chanted the name of Amida Buddha in Zyougein temple as usual. It is a command of the general's wife. She did this Buddhist ritual by hearing the revelation in her dream. Shogun Ashikaga Yoshimasa was sitting bloodily in a boat floating in the sea. Only his neck was on the blood. When she looked closely at him, he was not in blood, but in the fire. When his wife asked him in a dream why he had such a situation, he saidhe said that it was the result of greed and cruelty. And this pain continues endlessly, and he can not escape from it without praying to Amida Buddha, he said. When Yoshinori cried out loud, her dreams woke up. By this, she decided to start the ritual from today, as the final day of August 13 (the Buddhist ritual on the forty-ninth day after his death) seven days later. I deeply believe in Amida Buddha. Every day I read the Amida Scripture, chant the name of the Amida Buddha several times, and mourn Yoshinori. I have never been goofing off in doing so.












 What an easy to understand dream revelation? Ashikaga Yoshinori, who ruled people with fear, seems to have fallen into hell. His wife Ohgimachi Sanjo Tadako decided to start a Buddhist ritual seeking salvation to Amida Buddha by dreaming of her husband who was suffering in the flames of hell. It would be nice if he could be reborn to a paradise by receiving the Buddha's favor. The author, Tokifusa, also used to chant the Amida Scripture and the name of Amida Buddha every day. Probably, it was to mourn Yoshinori.

 (I used Google Translate.)