

妙薬!? 亀の小便 (Good medicine? Turtle's piss!)

  応永二十三年(一四一六)四月二十六日条 (『看聞日記』1─29頁)













 April 26th, fine. The prince has recently been deafened by the fever. The prince asked doctor Shouki for a remedy. Shouki said, "If you wash the turtle with water, lie down facing up and let the turtle look at it in the mirror, it should urinate. You'll mix that urine with herbal medicine, put it in your ears. "Then, I tried to give the good medicine to the prince, and let the servant go to the Ujigawa river, catch the turtle, and let the mirror look as Shouki said. The turtle urinated at once. It was exactly what the doctor said. It's a great remedy.








 ─栄仁親王。記主伏見宮貞成親王の父(松薗斉「中世の宮家について─南北朝・室町期を中心に─」『人間文化 愛知学院大学人間文化研究所紀要』25、2010・9、



*なかなか興味深い記事です。現代では難聴を治療するのにステロイドを服用することが多いですが、中世では亀の尿と漢方薬を混ぜて耳に入れたようです。ただ亀の尿を使うのは、一種の呪術ではないか、と考えられています(横井清『室町時代の一皇族の生涯』講談社学術文庫、2002、122頁。八木聖弥「『看聞日記』における病と死(1)」『Studia humana et naturalia』京都府立医科大学医学部医学科(教養教育) 編37、2003・12、https://kpu-m.repo.nii.ac.jp/?action=pages_view_main&active_action=repository_view_main_item_detail&item_id=918&item_no=1&page_id=13&block_id=21)。いったいどんな呪術的根拠があって、亀の小便を使ったのでしょうか。亀自体は漢方や薬膳で利用されているので、呪術とは無関係に納得できるのですが、尿を使う根拠はよくわかりません。尿と呪術の関係を研究した論文でもあればよいのですが…。



 This is a very interesting article. In modern times, steroids are often used to treat hearing loss, but in the Middle Ages, it seems that they used the herbal medicine that turtle urine are mixed. However, researchers believe that using turtle urine is a kind of magic. On what sort of magical ground did medieval people use turtle piss? The turtle itself is used in Chinese medicine and cooking, but I do not understand the grounds for using urine well. It would be good if it was a paper that studied the relationship between urine and magic.

 (I used Google Translate.)