文安元年(1444)八月十九日条 (『康富記』2─89頁)
十九日乙丑 晴、供養妙徳庵坊主、山城国水無瀬、(割書)「或ハ廣瀬トモ云、山崎
ノ南也、」在行基御作阿彌陀佛、金泥、三尺餘、 経数百之星霜、坐一宇之蘭若、近
十九日乙丑 晴れ、妙徳庵の坊主を供養す、山城国水無瀬、(割書)「或いは廣瀬とも云ふ、山崎の南なり、」行基御作阿彌陀佛在り、(割書)「金泥、三尺餘り、」数百の星霜を経、一宇の蘭若に坐す、近年破壊、路道に見れ、雨露に侵さるるの間、人知らざるの処、閏六月三日、俄に頓利の聞こえ有りと云々、伝え聞く分、盲者忽ち離朱の明を継ぎ、瘖瘂俄に予め之に言を賜るがごとく、或いは女の喎僻反って倩盻の貌を成し、白禿黒髪の粧に変へ、貧者福海に遇ひ、短折寿山を保つ、其の効験一に非ず、近境遠路の道俗、善男善女の参詣群を成す、是れ則ち闡提の利生か。弥陀則ち観音、観音則ち弥陀の謂ひなる者か。又大経の説く所のごとくんば、無量の衆宝、意の欲する所に随ひて、念に応じて則ち至るの誓願、疑ふべからざる者なり、仍て今日予之に参詣せしむ、下総房同道し了んぬ、山崎椿屋に於いて駄餉を用ひ了んぬ、
十九日乙丑 晴れ。妙徳庵の坊主を供養した。山城国水無瀬(あるいは広瀬とも言う、山崎の南である)に、行基作の阿弥陀如来の仏像(金泥で三尺あまり)がある。数百年の年月を経て、一宇の寺院に鎮座している。近年その寺院も壊れてしまった。仏像は道端にあらわとなり、雨露に濡れて人に知られることはなかったが、閏六月三日、突如ご利益の評判が立ったそうだ。伝え聞いたことによると、目の見えないものはすぐに目が見えるようにし、口のきけないものは、すぐにあらかじめ言葉を賜ったかのように話すことができ、あるいは女の歪んだ顔は、反対に愛らしい口元と美しい目元の容貌にし、白髪の禿げ頭は黒髪の相貌に変え、貧乏人は海のように深い幸福に出会い、短い寿命は長寿を保つ。その霊験は一つではない。近隣や遠方の出家・在家や善男善女が群れを成して参詣している。これは菩薩のご利益だろう。阿弥陀如来はすなわち観音菩薩で、観音菩薩は阿弥陀如来であるということか。また、仏説無量寿経上の所説のように、数限りない宝は望みのままにすぐに現れるという誓願は、疑ってはならないものである。そこで、今日私はそこに参詣した。下総房も同道した。山崎椿屋で食事をとった。
Fine weather on the 19th. There is an Amida Buddha statue created by Gyouki(the monk) at Minase in Yamashiro Prefecture (now Kyoto Prefecture). It has been enshrined in temples for hundreds of years. The temple has been broken in recent years. The Buddha statue was exposed to rain and was not known to people, but on June 3rd, it suddenly began to be rumored to bring good luck to us. The rumor was as follows. The blind people were soon to be able to see, and people with speech impediment could soon speak as if they were able to speak originally. Also, the ill-favored face of the woman changed to a lovely mouth and beautiful eyes, and the bald head of gray hair turned to black hair. Furthermore, the poor meet the deep happiness as the sea, and the short life span is extended. The miracle is not one. Many people from various places come there to worship the Buddha statue. This would be good luck brought by Amitabha. Amitabha ie Guanyin, Guanyin is Amitabha? Also, we should not doubt the Buddha's vow that the Buddha will bring many treasures as soon as we want, as described in Muryojukyo (One of the Buddhist scriptures). So today I went there. Shimousabou also went together. I ate at Tsubakiya in Yamazaki.
Amitabha statue in the ruined temple suddenly made many miracles. Thanks to that, a lot of people gathered in Hirose. I often hear the miracle that the disorders heal thanks to the Buddha, but the next topic is interesting. The bald head of gray hair has turned to black hair. The author wrote "ill-favored face of the woman" and "the gray-haired bald head" after writing the topic that the disability of the blind and the disabled has been cured. From this, it may be possible to interpret that the gray-haired bald head was not a disease or a disorder but one of inferiority. Apparently, as with modern people, it seems that medieval people also regarded bald head as an undesirable appearance.
By the way, why do humans have a sense of inferiority in baldness? It is natural for us to have hair, but the hair that we should have for a long time is getting thin. Other people have hair, but our own hair is getting thin. The bald head is unsightly. The bald head does not suit me. There are many possible reasons, but why did the medieval people dislike the bald head? There are social factors as well as instinctual factors in "like" and "dislike", so it may be possible to study baldness historically.
Well, it was Amitabha who realized these medieval people's wishes. Originally, Amitabha is a Buddha who guides people to paradise, but in this article, it appears as a Buddha who realizes the wishes of people in this world. So it would be rumored that "Amitabhai will be the same as Guanyin". Originally, Guanyin was a Buddha who realized the wishes of people in this world. So, Amitabha who realized the wishes of people in this world would have been considered to be the same as Guanyin. I do not know how popular the idea of “Amitabha-Guanyin isomorphism” or by what doctrinal basis the two sides are regarded as the same body, but it probably came from the folk religion.
(I used Google Translate.)